Samsung SyncMaster P2250 review

Samsung SyncMaster P2250

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

This LCD monitor is absolutely stunning for a reason. You’ll be
amazed at its beautiful Crystal Design and sophisticated and subtle
colouring. With a dynamic contrast ratio of 50000:1 and 2 ms response time
you will enjoy sharp images that are virtually blur-free. Of course
there’s the Full HD picture too. This Samsung monitor gives you
something beautiful to stare at, whether it’s turned on or not.

[M] dynamic contrast 50000:1 How can we make 50000:1 dynamic contrast?
Monitor adjust its brightness and gamma of each frame and makes optimized
contrast between frames. - Bright image: higher backlight with gamma
control. - Dark image: lower backlight with gamma control.

Full HD resolution 1920 x 1080 full high definition resolution delivers
sharp, crystal clear images with vivid colour.

response time Response time refers to how long it takes pixels to turn from
completely white to black and back again. The lower the milliseconds (ms),
the faster the response time is. A fast 2 ms response time virtually
eliminates any blurring, making this monitor perfect for enjoying video
games and all of your digital entertainment.

Crystal Design Samsung’s crystal designed LCD monitor is truly an
aesthetic revolution. The molding process creates no Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC) and is free from the usual paint waste and residue.

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