Samsung SyncMaster 2343BWX review

Samsung SyncMaster 2343BWX

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The affordable 2343BWX offers a space-saving design with all the features
you need. Whether you’re watching a movie or designing a presentation,
the 20000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio ensures superior quality, easy-to-view

off timer - Energy Saving function for B2B Market. Save energy consumption
and prolong monitor life time. Monitor can be turned off automatically at
preset time (1 ~ 23 h).

MagicSpeed (5 ms) - Monitor supports fast response time to reduces blurring

dynamic contrast 20000:1 - Monitor adjust its brightness and gamma of each
frame and makes optimised contrast between frames. - Bright image: higher
backlight with gamma control. - Dark image: lower backlight with gamma

MagicWizard - Helps user to setup best display performance. Resolution,
image, colour and screen font can be adjusted automatically.

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