Sony MDR-NC60 review

Sony MDR-NC60

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Silence the world around you with the MDR-NC60 noise canceling headphones.
They provide 12dB noise reduction at 200Hz. This means you can shut out up
to 93.7% of the ambient noise around you, including jet engines, office
printers and subway chatter. These headphones are perfect for work,
traveling or just when you’re trying to sleep in a loud place. The
ear-conscious design offers premium comfort, so you can wear them for long
stretches without pinching your ears. For added convenience, the built-in
monitor switch lets you hear surrounding sound without taking off the

Ideal for: Loud, noisy environments – planes, trains, buses, work or

Plug adapter A supplied plug adapter connects directly to stereo or dual
jack of in-flight music services 3 .

Noise canceling technology Noise canceling headphones reduce ambient noise
and provide a quieter environment to enhance audio entertainment. The
headphones have an inside microphone on each earpiece that work with an
electronic circuitry to create an opposite sound wave to reduce wave.
Ambient sound is reduced by synthesizing with a sound in opposite phase
produced by the noise canceling circuit.

Unique feature: The built-in monitor function allows you to hear
surrounding sound without taking off the headphones. Perfect for listening
to announcements, flight attendants, or any external sound without the need
to take the headphones off.

Design Slim, folding design for ultimate portability and the provided
carrying case will help protect your investment.

Noise reduction Reduces up to 93.7% (12 dB at 200 Hz) ambient noise when
noise canceling circuit is switched on 1 .

Dual use capability Allows the option to listen to music with or without
noise cancellation.

Battery Small battery box for “AAA” battery.

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