Sony MDR-NC500D review

Sony MDR-NC500D

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Ideal for: Loud, noisy environments – planes, trains, buses, work or

Unique feature: A built-in monitor function allows you to hear surrounding
sound without taking off the headphones. Perfect for listening to
announcements, flight attendants, or any external sound without the need to
take the headphones off.

Noise canceling technology Noise canceling headphones reduce ambient noise
and provide a quieter environment to enhance audio entertainment. The
headphones have an inside microphone on each earpiece that work with an
electronic circuitry to create an opposite sound wave to reduce wave.
Ambient sound is reduced by synthesizing with a sound in opposite phase
produced by the noise canceling circuit.

Digital Equalizer Delivers ideal frequency response and high-quality music
reproduction. A high S/N ratio is achieved through digital signal

Design Lightweight design for extremely comfortable wearing with pressure
relieving urethane cushion in the earpad. They come with a premium travel

Noise reduction Reduces up to 99% ambient noise (20 dB at 160 Hz) when
noise canceling circuit is switched on.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Noise canceling with automatic selection of
optimal noise canceling mode based on intelligent analysis of environmental
ambient noise.

Battery Internal Lithium-ion battery for up to 16 hours of use 1 in
addition to normal AA batteries which can be used as well and would allow
for a joint 28 hours of use.

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