Sony MDR-NC33 review

Sony MDR-NC33

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Sony’s MDRNC33B Noise-cancelling Earbud Headphones - Black.

Noise Cancelling Technology - Noise cancelling headphones reduce ambient
noise and provide a quieter environment to enhance audio entertainment. The
headphones have an inside microphone on each earpiece that work with an
electronic circuitry to create an opposite sound wave to reduce wave.
Ambient sound is reduced by synthesizing with a sound in opposite phase
produced by the noise cancelling circuit.

Monitor function - Built-in monitor function lets you minimize the audio
playback so you can listen to the surrounding environment.

Noise reduction - Active noise canceling technology reduces 90% of ambient

Noise reduction - , leaving you in a quiet, personal listening environment.

Battery - Enjoy approximately 100 hours of noise cancelling functionality
from a single alkaline (size AAA) battery

Battery - (not included).

Ideal for: - Loud, noisy environments – planes, trains, buses, work or

Design - Lightweight 1.1oz earbud-style design is easy to transport and
sits comfortably in the ear, even during extended use.

Included - Includes 1.5m cord, in-flight plug adapter

Included - , and carrying pouch.

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