Summer Infant - Sure & Secure Extra Tall Walk-Thru Gate review

Summer Infant - Sure & Secure Extra Tall Walk-Thru Gate

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Keep babies, toddlers, and even pets safe with the Summer Infant Sure & Secure Extra Tall Walk-Thru Gate. This easy-to-install, pressure mounted walk thru baby gate swings open for adults and gives easy walk through with no more climbing over. Also the door swings closed and locks automatically. This baby swing gate is made of non-toxic metal and designed perfect for doorways ranging 28" to 47.5". This childcare product acts as a great room barrier, preventing the entry of pets and creates a secure environment for your baby. The Summer Infant secure entry metal gate includes one 5" and 10" extension to help you perfectly fit the gate in the desired location.

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