Summer Infant - Stylish 6-Foot Metal Expansion Gate, Extra-Tall review

Summer Infant - Stylish 6-Foot Metal Expansion Gate, Extra-Tall

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Summer Infant Stylish n' Secure 6 Foot Metal Expansion Gate helps you to child proof your home. It is designed to keep your super-fast crawler inside the safe zone. This especially helps to close the entry to the kitchen  the most favorite spot of kids. This extra tall baby gate can also be used to keep the dogs from coming in. It is a secure metal gate that will help close larger openings between 3.5- and 6-feet wide. The hardware mounts securely in place, and it has a convenient walk-through door for adults. You have the option to lock it or leave it unlocked but shut. The latter option serves the purpose and allows the adults to just push it open as necessary. The gate opens both ways, so entry and exit is a breeze. Apart from being functional, this metal walk-thru baby gate with a stylish arched top looks pretty too and can suit the d?cor of the house. It is sturdy enough to last you a good chunk of time.

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