Summer Infant - Sure & Secure Super-Wide Custom-Fit Gate review

Summer Infant - Sure & Secure Super-Wide Custom-Fit Gate

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Summer Infant Sure and Secure Custom Fit Gate can cover openings from 70 inches to 144 inches wide, providing up to 12 feet of coverage. The walk thru door lets parents easily enter and exit without having to step over or move over it. This super wide baby gate comes with many practical features. It is hardware mounted to ensure easy mount up on the walls. This hardware mounted baby gate is perfect for alternative areas such as room corners. This walk through baby gate can create a free standing play yard by combining two gates, (extra gates are sold separately). The fabric is soft and durable and the panes are pretty much transparent. Hence the little ones wont miss any of the action when behind the gate. Summer infant custom fit gate lets you tackle the dilemmas of cordoning off unusual openings and areas in your house.

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