Tefal ActiFry review

Tefal ActiFry

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

This revolutionary new fryer by Tefal allows you to cook enough chips to feed a family of four with just one spoonful of oil and only 3% fat! This makes it much more economical to run, as well as safer and easier to clean. And not only can it cook chips, but also a whole range of other meals including stir-fried vegetables, meat, fish and even pudding!Features:   
Large viewing window observe cooking plus steam free
Removeable bowl, lid and paddle easy to clean - dishwasher safe
Use any oil - e.g olive oil, rapeseed oil balance intake of fatty acids which body requires plus add flavour
No preheating required ready to use when you are
Comes with a recipe book

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