Breville Scraper Mixer Pro review

Breville Scraper Mixer Pro

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Scrapes the Bowl So You Don't Have To
There are many tricks to baking scrumptious cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries, but one of the most important is thorough mixing. Under-mix and your cake is lumpy, over-mix and your cake won't rise properly. The innovative Scraper Beater wipes the sides and bottom of the bowl with every turn, cutting mixing time by up to 60%. Not only does it mix ingredients better, but there's now no need to stop and scrape down the bowl with a spatula.
By replicating the mixing action used by patisseries and bakeries, the Scraper Mixer Pro uses 'planetary mixing' for a superior end result. 360° bowl coverage is achieved by the counter-clockwise motion of the mixer head combined with the clockwise "sweep" of the beater and extra wide mixing attachments.
The count-up and down mixing timer lets you set your mixer to the desired mixing time and automatically stops when the time elapses or continues to count up. Perfect for the multi-tasker.
It's all in the Mix.
Available colours include stainless steel, cherry, cream or liquorice. Customisable colours also available.
Scraper BeaterA leaf beater that incorporates a flexible edge that is designed to scrape the bowl with every turn. It's designed to avoid the need to continually lift the beater to scrape down the bowl with a spatula, saving you time and creating a smoother mix.
Planetary MixingCommercially inspired, planetary mixers create a motion where the head rotates around the bowl in one direction whilst the beater spins in the other.Designed with the sole purpose of mixing your ingredients more thoroughly to provide a consistent result.
Load Sensing TechnologyLoad sensing technology automatically adjusts the power from the motor to maintain selected mixing speed.
Motor Protection SystemProtects the mixer's motor from burning out. The mixer recognises if the load or motor temperature is too high. Simply re-set by turning the power off and unplugging from the wall.
Bench Mixer
Current models:
BEM800CB - Cranberry
BEM800BS - Black Sesame
BEM800SH - Sherbet
BEM800EL - Elderberry

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