Blooms Super Colloidal Silica review

Blooms Super Colloidal Silica

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Formulated for strength and beauty from within for luxuriant hair, beautiful nails, healthy skin and connective tissue. Silica contains Silicon which helps to maintain the elasticity of skin and gives strength and support to nails, hair, skin, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. The highest concentrations of silicon in the body are found in the skin and hair. It also helps calcium and the formation of collagen in bone remineralisation, connective tissue and bone formation.
Blooms Super Colloidal Silica is a great source of silicon as it contains silica microparticles in a colloidal form, this allows for easier absorption and utilisation of silicon in the body.Several factors contribute to decreasing levels of silicon within the body. Variations in the food supply chain can lead to inconsistent dietary intake. Filtration of water and the increased consumption of bottled water also reduces the amount of silicon that is being obtained through the water source. On top of this, silicon levels tend to naturally decrease with ageing.
Available in 50 Vegetarian Capsules

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