Blackmores Nails Hair and Skin review

Blackmores Nails Hair and Skin

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

A comprehensive formula that provides essential nutrients for strong nails, healthy hair and skin. It may help strengthen brittle nails, increase nail thickness and reduce nail brittleness. It contains a clinically trialled dose of biotin that has been shown to improve nail strength in 12 weeks.Features and Benefits:
Improvements after 12 weeks.
Strengthens soft or brittle nails, reduces splitting and chipping, and increases nail thickness.
Contains a clinically trialled dose of biotin, which may increase nail thickness by 25% and reduce splitting and chipping.
Formulated to contain a range of nutrients that contribute to the health of nails, hair and skin.
Assists with bone and collagen formation.
Available in 60 / 120 / 180pack tablets

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