Strong SRT 5495 review

Strong SRT 5495

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

"STRONG's DVR's SRT 5429, SRT 5492 and SRT 5495 and DVR Ready model SRT 5425 are fully compatible with 3D TV! If you currently own a 3D capable TV you can record and playback all the 3D broadcasts available using one of these Strong products and it will be displayed in FULL 3D! STRONG DVR's Hard Drive sizes start from 160Gb to a huge 500Gb for hours of 3D and normal recording. With all models also having the DVR Ready feature you can connect additional Hard Drives and up to a massive 1Tb!!! Why watch your favorite sport or movie just once in 3D, when you can record it with your STRONG DVR and enjoy it again and even show your friends."
Receives all Free to Air TV Channels; Nine, Go, Seven, Seven Two, Ten, One HD, One, ABC (1,2 and 3), SBS (1,2&3), Prime, WIN and SCB (where coverage allows).
Massive 500Gb Internal Hard Disk Drive, plus DVR Ready via USB External Hard Drive (Sold Separately)
Twin Tuner High Definition - Record three programs at once, while watching a fourth (from 2 networks)
For Superior Picture quality and improved reception
Electronic Program Guide, with one touch recording
Free 3 month IceTV Subscription, for even more EPG Features
Time Shift and LAN for Internet connectivity
Digital Dolby Plus Audio, MPEG-4 Compliant
USB 2.0 Host for Mp3 Playback, JPEG Viewing and software, update, Records Closed Captions
Parental Lock
MEPS Compliant

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