Progressive International 3-qt. Collapsible Colander, Blue review

Progressive International 3-qt. Collapsible Colander, Blue

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Progressive International Collapsible Colander is ideal for rinsing, soaking and draining vegetables, berries, pasta and more. This three-quart collapsible colander features a unique space-saving design that provides compact storage and easy cleaning. The flexible sides can collapse to one-third of the original size in order to consume less storage space in the kitchen. Liquids drain easily and quickly through the hole pattern in the base of the collapsible strainer. The strainer has a rigid plastic rim and raised feet that make it easy to hold or place in the sink. This colander is dishwasher safe and can be conveniently used in either the flat or expanded mode.

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