Progressive International Vegetable Cutter review

Progressive International Vegetable Cutter

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Make delicious vegetable platters at home with the Progressive International Vegetable Cutter. This cutter is great for slicing carrots, celery, peppers, zucchini, greens, cheese, and more. It also makes slicing potatoes for homemade French fries a snap. All you have to do is simply place the vegetable in the chute and press through to get evenly sliced pieces. The easy to operate lever action helps reduce the cutting time to nearly half. The stainless blades of this French fry cutter are interchangeable. Use the blade with 25 holes for large fries and the one with 49 holes for small fries. This vegetable slicer easily sits on any flat surface and stays stable while operating.

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