Paula Deen Stoneware 9'' x 13'' Baking Dish review

Paula Deen Stoneware 9'' x 13'' Baking Dish

Our rating:
 1/10 from 1 reviewers.

Get the perfect blend of superior craftsmanship and classic styling in the Paula Deen 9x13 Baking Dish. Perfect for baking, serving and reheating, this baking dish collection is a memoir of good times spent in the kitchen and bouts of laughter shared on the dining table. The polished exterior and interior surface not only makes this kitchenware more durable, but also makes for easy cleaning. It can be safely used in the microwave, refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher. Featuring a unique swirl pattern, this quality-tested red baking dish is sure to add a sense of style to your dining area or kitchen.

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