Anchor Hocking 4-Piece Bakeware Set review

Anchor Hocking 4-Piece Bakeware Set

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Anchor Hocking 4-Piece Bakeware Set is a blessing for those who love to cook and bake. The 4-piece set is a glass bakeware set designed with the most used shapes. The kitchen bakeware set includes a 9-inch pie dish, 2-quart casserole dish with glass lid, and an 8-inch square baking dish. It is oven, freezer and microwave-safe. With this bakeware set, you can get back to your basic baking interest and come up with popular recipes. The deep pie dish is perfect for a Shepherd's Pie or Cottage Pie, while the square dish is great for smaller recipes like lemon bars. The all-round covered casserole container is perfect for a scrumptious one-dish dinners. So from appetizer and main course to desserts, this durable kitchen bakeware set will satisfy all your cooking needs. Cleaning is also breeze as it is dishwasher-safe.

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