Numatic Cleantec - CT370 Carpet cleaning and car valeting machine x1 review

Numatic Cleantec - CT370 Carpet cleaning and car valeting machine x1

Our rating:
 1/10 from 1 reviewers.


 The Numatic Cleantec CT370 is a small and compact machine that provides the combination of a powered liquid supply and efficient wet pick-up facility all in one unit.
Although it is mainly ised in the cleaning of carpets and upholstery, these machines can be equally effective on hard floors where there is a need for localized scrubbing and wet pick-up operation.
The power head is to the full TwinFlo’ specification ensuring excellent performance but, in addition, has incorporated a Powerflo’ pump system and quick release fluid connector. The container system is a unique “tank within a tank” design ensuring a compact machine.

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