Emu Fire Pure Emu Oil review

Emu Fire Pure Emu Oil

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

For thousands of years emu oil has been recognised by the Australian aboriginals as a treatment for aching joints, skin conditions and open wounds. The unique composition, anti-inflammatory properties, and skin penetrability of raw emu oil make it one of Australia's best natural therapies.
It is raw unadulterated oil and contains NO preservatives or additives. 
It is a potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) with anti-arthritic properties. 
It contains omega 3, 6, and 9 (these fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body, but are essential in maintaining good health). 
Similar in composition and texture to human skin oils, emu oil absorbs into the skin, penetrates the deeper tissues and is one of the most powerful natural skin moisturisers. 
It is non-comedogenic (does not clog the pores) and non-allergenic. Emu oil contains naturally occurring vitamin A and vitamin E (anti-oxidants), collagen and HDL-Cholesterol. 
Emu oil can also be used on dry, cracked nipples (as a result of breast-feeding).

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