The Body Shop Vitamin C review

The Body Shop Vitamin C

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Modern life steals skin's natural radiance. Hectic schedules, late nights, pollution, air conditioning: they all add up to lacklustre skin that's dull and tired. Vitamin C helps to restore radiance, elasticity, and improve skin suppleness. Use our Vitamin C treatments to protect your skin from environmental aggressors, and give skin back its glow.Product Range:

Vitamin C Daily Moisturiser SPF 15
Vitamin C Cleansing Face Polish
Vitamin C Micro Refiner
Vitamin C Intensive Night Treatment
Vitamin C Energising Facial Spritz
Vitamin C Skin Boost
Vitamin C Plus Time Release Capsules
Vitamin C Re-Texturising Peel


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