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I dreamed long ago of some exercise machine as I considered that it will make my figure tightened and harmonious. But actually, it not so! Tightened figure can make self-checking and discipline. I have understood it later.
It seemed to me that after acquisition of the exercise machine, I just will not leave it. In the dreams (sitting on sofa with roll in hands), I represented myself for days of the twisting pedal. I said to myself that I do not take care of the own life only because at me this wonderful device which in a moment will make of me the goddess!!!
And here, I on Birthday am given this exercise bike! My joy was not limit! In the same day I (and all my guests) twisted pedals and with curiosity looked at the display as calories by miracle are burned. Then we measured pulse, then someone twisted pedals, and someone held hands on wheel (it was cheerful!!)))))))
I have promised and is honest, the whole week forty minutes was engaged on the exercise bike. And in week I just began to dust with it... (but knowing joke about hanger for clothes, allowed to hang up to NOBODY the jackets and tights on handles)!
There has passed year.... and my exercise machine has turned into hanger for clothes!
Now about good! I have got it together! And I am already engaged one and a half months! I have understood the main mistake: when we do not see the best of results, hands fall and still it is very a pity to force itself - liked to sweat and work. It is far easier to sit on social networks, stupidly considering others photos. But from it you become happier not. Happiness appears when you see the tightened figure in mirror, and it appears not so difficult. The main thing to break the laziness! And not to set at once before itself the impracticable purposes!
Practical advice for the maximum expense of calories:
Special if you the beginner, do not aspire to vigorous trainings at once. For you the main thing is to develop endurance! (but not to pump up muscle) Just you twist pedals with speed of 15-16 km/h. Gradually increase training time (I am engaged four times a week on hour)
It is better to be engaged less often, but is more enduring as at the beginning of the training the organism is only reconstructed, and after 30 minutes fat begins to be burned gradually. All trainings are not effective less than 30 minutes for those who wants to lose weight! (from my personal observations: I begin to sweat only after the half-hour training).
alternate intensity of training. For example I, after five minutes of light training twist two minutes pedals with speed of 25 km/h., and then I come back to easy again. Thus, I give to muscles shake-up, and then I have again a rest and I develop endurance.
set before yourself the real purposes and reach them! It is better, than in the first training you will exhaust do not want to be engaged any more. It is necessary to learn to derive pleasure, and it will come not at once (turn to me! the organism at first will resist strenuously).
you watch pulse. Even if you have no device which is really measuring pulse, all of you can equally feel that all of you begin to choke and heart jumps out of breast! Stop means! It is necessary to take rest a little. For this purpose just change speed and make loading easier. All are known that if pulse is more than 120 beats per minute, the training can do much harm to your organism, and also slow down combustion of fat.
I consider what for house application is worthy exercise bike. It is not obligatory to chase expensive analogs. The one who really wants to be engaged will be able to improve the body and health and on this model.