Books with Style Prada review

Books with Style Prada

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This rich, innovative book is the first to document 3 decades of ground-breaking fashion, architecture, film, and art by the Prada company. Prada brings the reader into the fold with lush imagery and behind-the-scenes details, showcasing the work of the Prada design studio and workshop and detailing the label's extensive creative partnerships and large-scale architectural commissions. A chronicle of all of Miuccia Prada's collections and the innumerable projects the label has undertaken, this volume includes thumbnails of 3,885 different looks, collages of the most influential shoes and bags, photographs of the final product on the runway, and much more.Hardcover, 704 pages.12in / 30.5cm x 9in / 23cm x 1.25in / 3cm.Imprint: Abrams Publishing.ISBN-13: 9788887029444

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