Books with Style Inspiration Dior review

Books with Style Inspiration Dior

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Full of lush imagery and contributions from art and fashion experts, this volume offers a comprehensive look at the world of Christian Dior, moving from 1947 to the present. Showcasing works of art, sketches, archival photographs of Dior gowns and fashion shows, and previously unpublished images made just for this catalogue, this elaborately illustrated book features text by the likes of Florence Muller, Edmonde Charles-Roux, Irina Antonova, and John Galliano. Focusing both on the art of Dior's creations and the way history and art have influenced the designer, this book is a rich work of art, fashion, and culture.Hardcover, 330 pages.12.5in / 32cm x 10in / 25.5cm x 1.5in / 4cm.Imprint: Abrams Image.ISBN-13: 9781419701061

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