Books with Style Fashion Insider's Guide to New York review

Books with Style Fashion Insider's Guide to New York

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A former Parisian living in New York, French Vogue correspondent Carole Sabas was often approached by friends and colleagues who were headed to Paris Fashion Week, looking for tips on where to find a morning yoga class or get a quick facial. Sabas made small booklets to give away free to inquirers, and today, her friendly, knowledgeable guides to Paris and New York are available to all. Each entry includes a description of the recommended spot, location and contact information, and hints about when to go, who to ask for, and what to get, putting readers confidently in-the-know. With drawings by fashion illustrator Caroline Andrieu, these lovely cloth-bound volumes are the ultimate travel accessory.By Carole Sabas.Hardcover, 192 pages.7in / 18cm x 5in / 13cm x 0.75in / 2cmImprint: Abrams.ISBN-13: 978-1419707223

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