Books with Style Diane von Furstenberg: The Wrap review

Books with Style Diane von Furstenberg: The Wrap

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Fashion veteran Diane von Furstenberg arrived fresh on the NYC fashion scene in 1970, armed with a friendship with Vogue editor Diana Vreeland and 12 shirtdresses she'd made in Italy. By 1976, von Furstenberg had already gained renown in the fashion sphere with the invention of her iconic wrap dress, and 20 years later, with the nostalgia for '70s fashion at its peak, Diane re-emerged on the New York fashion scene with a new version of her now-signature piece, tailored to the modern tastes of chic young women. This volume looks at the history of the wrap dress phenomenon, from its revolutionary early days to its ever-popular present.By André Leon Talley.Hardcover, 80 pages.8.75in / 22cm x 7in / 18cm x 0.5in / 1cmImprint: Assouline PublishingISBN-13: 978-2843235245

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