LaCie 324 LCD review

LaCie 324 LCD

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Click here to find out where you can see our displays Designed for creative
professionals in both fixed and motion imaging, the 24-inch widescreen
LaCie 324 embeds an industry-leading wide gamut (95% Adobe RGB / 99.7% of
ISO Coated) S-PVA panel and a 10-bit gamma correction mechanism, which
ensure smooth and vivid colors in artwork, photography and layout. Thanks
to DCDi® by Faroudja video enhancement technology, it’s excellent for
audio/video editing, 3D CAD and game development, performing flawlessly
with HDMI, DVI and VGA video sources up to and including Full HD 1080p. The
LaCie 324 is also available bundled with the LaCie blue eye pro – our
advanced single-click hardware calibration solution. Click here to see a
Flash demo of our LaCie blue eye pro software Introduction to Understanding
Color Hardware & Human Factors Influence Color Management Color Spaces
& Color Translation The Basics on ICC Color Management Systems.

Wide 16:10 format, vivid 92% NTSC gamut panel

10-bit gamma correction for smooth colors

DCDi® by Faroudja video technology up to 1080p

Picture-in-Picture, USB hub & headphone/speaker port

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


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