LaCie 724 LCD review

LaCie 724 LCD

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The LaCie 724 Monitor’s ground–breaking RGB-LED backlight technology
produces purer red, green and blue primaries, resulting in a larger range
of vibrant colors previously unattainable by CCFL-based LCD monitors. It
covers a remarkable 125% and 123% of the NTSC and Adobe RGB gamuts (CIE
1976), which for the first time enables a lossless color workflow. The
LaCie 724’s S-PVA-LCD panel technology also delivers deep blacks, high
contrast and excellent viewing angles. Its 14-bit gamma correction and
ColorKeeper backlight stabilizer offer smooth gradient rendering and stable
performance across time. Delivered with the LaCie 724 Monitor, LaCie’s
blue eye pro Proof Edition software now includes a display certification
test developed in collaboration with UGRA, the Swiss Centre of Competence
for Media and Printing Technology. This makes the LaCie 724 Monitor ideal
for professional color-critical applications such as soft-proofing. It
offers the closest match between captured, displayed and printed colors.
The LaCie 724 Monitor is available bundled with our easyHood and
full-featured blue eye pro Proof Edition calibration software and, for a
complete calibration solution, with the optional LaCie blue eye

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