Cranium Kabookii review

Cranium Kabookii

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Team up with the entire cast of CSI to track down the truth in five
intricate crimes. No crime is ever perfect. Your job is to find the flaw.

Inspired by the original Cranium board game: Move through a track of puzzle
categories featuring the same four characters as the board game: Creative
Cat: CREATE works of art and imagination with spray paint, chalk and
disappearing ink Data Head: DISCOVER fascinating new things in true-false
and world trivia puzzles Word Worm: CRACK CODES and remix phrases Star
Performer: PERFORM hilarious feats by acting, playing songs and mastering
the art of memorization

For the whole gang: Unlimited players! Up to 4 teams, each with 2 or more
players, can compete against each other.  Cranium Kabookii appeals to
every type of intelligence, so bring your family and friends of all ages
together for an engaging and hilariously entertaining game.  With so many
activities to choose from, aspiring artists, trivia masters, actors and
wordsmiths of all ages have plenty of opportunities to shine.

Free decoder mask: read secret clues on the TV without revealing the clues
to other players in the room.

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