Cranium Hullabaloo review

Cranium Hullabaloo

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

High-energy game loved by kids of all ages!
Simple, out-of-the-box fun -- just turn it on and go
Encourages listening, problem solving and friendly competition
Kids play alone or with friends -- giggling guaranteed
Thousands of game variations, so kids never tire of the fun

Cranium Hullabaloo is the surprise-filled, high-energy game that turns bouncing off the walls into bouncing across the room!Players move from one colourful shape to another and use their bodies to perform the many Hullabaloo moves -- touch your nose to a circle, spin to a red, put your elbow on a musical instrument. When Hullabaloo says, "Freeze!" the player on the lucky pad wins! Every few minutes there's a new winner who gets to take a bow, make a victory jump or do a funky monkey dance.Faster than a scavenger hunt, more creative than Simon Says and able to make imaginative leaps past musical chairs, Hullabaloo provides hours of fun for any occasion -- birthday parties, play dates, even a rainy day. Ready to play?

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