Active More Workouts review

Active More Workouts

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Benefit of a Personal Trainer in a Box - Similar to a personal trainer, the
program provides clear instruction, feedback on technique and
encouragement, while also providing calories burned in real time.

Six-Week Challenge - This personalized full body challenge will give users
a new customizable weekly schedule and a weekly check-in with the virtual
trainer to track calorie, weight and workout goals.

Full Body Circuit Workout Routines - The specially designed leg strap holds
the Nunchuk TM and the Wii Remote is held in hand to track upper and lower
body movements. A resistance band increases the intensity of exercises such
as bicep curls**.

Warm up and Cool down - Eight all-new warm up and cool down exercises that
stretch muscles before and after workouts to help prevent aches and injury.

Abdominal Exercises - All-new detectable abdominal exercises help tone abs
and strengthen the mid-section of the body.

Personal Trainer to More Workouts - Profiles and results achieved in
Personal Trainer can be transferred to More Workouts.

Track Your Journey - To encourage overall wellness, there is a journal that
allows user to set goals and track progress - accounting for activities
both in and outside of software - while also providing all-new nutrition
and fitness tips.

Workout Your Way - For optimal personalization, circuits can be customized
based on interests and fitness level and there is complete flexibility for
the duration and intensity level.

Nutrition Tips from Bob Greene - To keep you on track in every area of your
life, More Workouts includes an 80-page Special Edition Bob Greene Best
Life Nutrition Book with purchase.

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


Example: Very high price and costly options

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