Bose Acoustic Wave Music System II review

Bose Acoustic Wave Music System II

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Our best all-in-one music system performs like a large component stereo costing much more, with far less complication and clutter. Advanced Bose® speaker system and audio technologies deliver sound with clarity and consistency, even at high volume levels, in larger rooms and outdoor spaces.
Ideal for larger rooms and outdoors
CD player, FM/AM tuner, headphone jack
Powerful performance with lifelike clarity from very soft to very loud volumes
Easily portable with optional travel case and power pack
Proprietary waveguide speaker technology
Slim infrared remote control
Easy portability
Digital FM/AM tuner with seek function
Automatic ramping
Headphone jack
Auxiliary input jack
Bose digital signal processing circuitry
Bose link
Visual display with text capability
DC power operation

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