Bose Lifestyle 48 DVD review

Bose Lifestyle 48 DVD

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The Lifestyle 48 DVD home entertainment system digitally stores and organises up to 340 hours of your CD music. It automatically customises its audio to your room?s acoustics. Premium home theatre speaker system fills your room with thrilling 5.1-channel performance. Enjoy movies with a progressive scan DVD/CD player. Connect additional components-including hi-def sources-for easy integration with your system.
Our best 5-speaker DVD surround sound system for larger rooms
Up to 340 hours of digital music storage from your CDs
Premium Jewel Cube speakers, horizontal center speaker
DVD/CD player with HDMI connectivity, AM/FM tuner
Video upscaling up to 1080p
Customised audio performance for your room

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