Canon WS-1210T review

Canon WS-1210T

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Dual Powered - Solar and automatic battery back-up for economical use in any light
12 digit LCD screen with punctuation
I.T. Touch (computer) keyboard - For easy and efficient operation
Extra Large Tilt Display - For easy reading of numbers
Super Sized Keytops - Extra wide spacious keyboard and large keys for fast accurate keying
Square Root and Percentage Function - To suit all your calculations
Decimal Point Selector - For complete flexibility of decimal point setting
Grand Total Memory - Automatically accumulates totals, saving key strokes
Reverse Function - Allows you to reverse the order of operation or total
Back-Space Key - To easily delete and change last digit entered
Mark-up Key - For quick and accurate calculations of profit margin
Sign Change Key - Allows for easy calculation of negative numbers
Stylish Executive Finish - High quality and very stylish
Automatic Constant Function - Allows you to multiply or divide by the same number on a constant basis

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