Canon HS-20TG review

Canon HS-20TG

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The HS-20TG Semi-desktop calculator from Canon is ideal for your school or
home office. Environmentally friendly, the HS-20TG is made from the
recycled materials of Canon copiers; featuring 100% post consumption
recycled plastic upper and lower casings. HS-20TG is solar powered; with a
replaceable battery for longer use. The 12-digit display encompasses
numerous commands - including a tax function - making this desktop
calculator simple to operate. A large upright LCD display allows you to
easily see all your computations. With its stylish design and convenient
functionality, HS-20TG fits into your day-to-day tasks.

12-digit display

Upper and lower casings made from 100% recycled plastic

Tax calculation

Square root, sign change, and memory keys

Decimal positions: A, 4, 3, 2, 0, F

Solar and battery power source

Upright, Angled Large LCD for easier recognition of numbers

Convenient Grand Total memory

Executive quality metallic finish

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