Mountain Buggy Urban Designer review

Mountain Buggy Urban Designer

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Swivel or fixed wheelSwivelling front wheel is excellent on busy streets
and indoors because you can turn it with just one finger. Easily lock the
front wheel to handle walks in the park, light jogging and moderate
off-road conditions with ease.Ergonomic adjustable handlebarAdjustable to
ensure optimum comfort whilepushing.Roomy yet compactSmall enough (75cm
wide) to fit through standard doorway yet plenty of space for your growing
children. Short wheelbase makes maneuvering
easy.Expandability/convertibilityTurn the Urban into a pram with an
optional carrycot or drop an infant carseat in with the optional Carseat
Adapter. See accessories for more.Newest designer fabricsStand out from the
crowd with our range of modern designer fabrics below.Download Instruction

All purpose

High tensile aluminium

Upright to fully reclined seat positions

Large storage basket

Smaller storage pockets

Suitable from newborn

Quick release wheels

5-point safety harness

Foot operated brake

Easy one-step fold

Air filled tyres & free pump

Sunhood with viewing window

Water resistant, easy cleaning

Hardwearing fabric

Full range of accessories

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