Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle review

Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The versatile buggy that is easy to maneuver in the city streets and easy to handle across all terrain.Features:
Adjustable seat position from full recline fold (newborn) to upright (6 years)
Carrycot compatible
Travel system compatible
Swivel / lock front wheel - swivel for easy maneuvring or lock for more stability going across uneven surfaces
12" tyres
5kg gear tray capacity
Peek a boo flap
Compact stand fold with quick release wheels
Padded harness and crotch restraint with quick release harness clip and safety button
Foot operated brake
Hard wearing 600D polyester fabric – water repellent and durable
Easy to remove fabric set
Detachable bumper bar
Bottle holder
Zip in sun cover
Available Colors: Black, Chilli, Navy, Flint, Moss, Chocolate

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