Emmaljunga City Cerox 360 review

Emmaljunga City Cerox 360

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The City Cerox 360 offers the comfort and quality associated with a larger pram, combined with a compact folded size and maximum manoeuvrability. an ideal choice for parents 'on the move'. The City Cerox 360 is one of the best prams in its class on the market.
Durable Cerox Cryptonite chassis, the pushchair has generous seat/lying dimensions (90cm long) and smaller swivel/lockable front wheels, making it perfect for around town or relaxing walks.
The City Cerox 360 has a reversible handle, which allows you to change direction quickly and easily. To protect your child from the elements, the handle can be reversed while the child is still in the pram, allowing baby to face you. The City Cerox 360 also features a height adjustable handle, an integrated stretch comfort 5-point harness, sun/mosquito net in the ood and a raincover.
The City Cerox 360 is suitable for children from 6 months up to approximately 3+ years

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