Emmaljunga City Jet review

Emmaljunga City Jet

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

From 6 months to 3 yearsWith City Carrycot - Newborn to 6 monthsThe City Jet is a modern, versatile pushchair from Emmaljunga, designed to make it easy for you to make light work of the big city. The front swivel wheels provide maximum manoeuvrability and can also be fixed for off-road terrain. Through innovative design and a unique mixture of aluminium and lightweight steel from Swedish SSAB, we have succeeded in reducing the weight of the chassis without sacrificing comfort, strength and safety.The City Jet has a reversible seat unit with an integrated 5-point harness, stormcover and a practical hood which can be pulled in front of your child to protect against sun, wind, rain, and snow.Suitable from 6 months up to three years, the City Jet can also be used from birth with the addition of the City Carrycot, which can be attached with a simple click in place of the seat unit. The City Carrycot is available in all 22 colour combinations.After approximately 6 months the seat unit can be used on the chassis. The seat is ergonomically designed to allow young children getting more curious about the big wide world to take a look around whilst resting comfortably. Its generous dimensions also mean that the pushchair can be used for a long period.

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