Breville BES900 Dual Boiler review

Breville BES900 Dual Boiler

Our rating:
 10/10 from 1 reviewers.

Commercial features and performance, in a domestic foot print
Espresso perfection, requires precision temperature and pressure control, consistently, every time. At the heart of this machine is its Dual Stainless Steel Boiler heating system. The brew boiler, for the espresso shot, extracts to within +/- 1'C and a separate steam boiler, which offers instant and powerful steam on demand. So you can extract your shot, at the right temperature, delivering optimal flavour and steam your milk to cafe quality, at the same time. What's more, there is another element in the group head, ensuring the entire system offers a consistent temperature.
The Dual Boiler also features an Over Pressure Valve, which comes standard on almost all commercial cafe machines. This commercial feature limits the maximum pressure throughout the extraction, preventing bitter flavors in the shot. It also offers a true low pressure pre-infusion, which gradually increases the pressure to gently expand the grinds for an even extraction.
But there's much, much, more to this machine for the coffee geek. Brew temperature and pre-infusion pressure and duration are all programmable. But at the same time they kept it simple, with a quick heat up, front fill water tank and programmable dose. And a shot clock and pressure gauge to help you improve your barista skills over time.
All you'll need are some freshly ground beans and a bit of practice to rival the best cafe.
Dual Boiler
Low Pressure Pre-infusion
Programmable Semi Automatic
Pulse Pre-Infusion
15 Bar Pump
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