Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer review

Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Household heating systems in the winter and air conditioners in the summer can rob the indoor air of its natural moisture. The lungs and respiratory tract are dependent on moisture to function effectively. The Vicks® Warm Steam Vaporizer provides appropriate humidity levels to keep respiratory systems moist and healthy and help relieve the mucus associated with cold and flu symptoms. The Vicks® Warm Steam Vaporizer helps relieve the symptoms of nose and throat congestion, coughs and a parched throat by thinning mucus and draining sinus passages. This clears the nasal passages for easier breathing and relieves dry, scratchy throats. Using the Vicks® Warm Steam Vaporizer overnight ensures sleep is more restful with gentle, natural steam therapy.
Relieves cold and flu symptoms
Advanced safety features
25% cooler steam to prevent scalding
Water boiled to produce bacteria free steam
12-14 hour operation per filling
No special water required
Full 5 year warranty

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