Cobra Explorer review

Cobra Explorer

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

They think that their Cobra Explorer is as close as you can get to the perfect all-purpose boat. Stable and fast with superb tracking, it is versatile for all sizes, shapes and varying expertise of the majority of paddlers.
An oversized external rear tank well holds all types of sports gear or picnic supplies. For fishing and camping there is a flush foredeck with plenty of space for a large storage hatch. The Cobra Explorer is a totally self-bailing kayak, providing for a dry ride. Its stable 31" beam makes it a good ride for anybody. Pictured with optional paddle, backrest, hatches, leg straps and tank straps.
Length: 11' 3" / 3.42 m
Width: 31" / 78.74 cm
Weight: 40 lbs. / 18.14 kg
Capacity: 400 lbs. / 181.44 kg
Material: Super Linear
Includes: Handles & Eyelets
Available Colors:
Stone Grey
White Granite

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