Dyson DC08 review

Dyson DC08

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Patented Radix12 Cyclone technology
Contact head
Smallest space
Smallest package
Approved for allergy sufferers
2 year warranty
Lifetime filters
Sits on stairs
Removable tool holster
Car and upholstery cleaning
Adjustable wand
Suction release trigger
Easy to manoeuvre
Clear bin
Protective rubber wheels
Robust construction
Wraps for easy carrying and storage.
Patented Radix Cyclone technology
Advanced cyclone technology.
Approved for allergy sufferers
British Allergy Foundation seal of approval
With 7 day helpline and fast service supported by Dyson's aftersales team.
Lifetime filters
No running costs and no bags to buy

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Example: The new model are more solid, more comfortable, quieter, and agile than any models


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