Lofra i700 review

Lofra i700

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The 'i' 700 is the only stainless steel 700mm cooker on the market. While still having the same features and oven capacity as the 600, it comes with a five burner configuration, with the option of a wok or professional burner to add to your cooking repertoire without losing any cooking space for the other burners.Features:
Crystal tempered glass lid
Double glazed removable oven door
Stainless steel, one piece moulded hob - easy to clean
Self cleaning panels ((optional - must be ordered at time of purchase)
Fan forced electric multifunction oven or
Large capacity gas oven
Integrated closed door electric grill
Fully removable pot supports
Electronic one hand ignition
Flame failure safety device
3 years warranty on cookers

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