Bush DFTA10HD review


Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Receive widescreen High Definition digital TV! HDMI output, Dolby R Digital 5.1 channel surround sound, 7-day Electronic Program Guide (EPG).Features:    

DVB-T Digital Set Top Box with HDMI
High Definition Digital Set Top Box with Display
HDMI output
Component ⁄ S-Video ⁄ Digital Audio Via Coaxial & Optical Output
Dolby R Digital 5.1 channel surround sound
DVB compliant ⁄ easy menu system
Mirror acrylic
7-days Electronic Program Guide (EPG)
Remote Control (battery included)
Unit Dimensions: 360 (L) x 235 (W) x 43 (H) mm.
Weight ⁄ unit: 2.20 kgs

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