Oricom Secure500 Premium Digital review

Oricom Secure500 Premium Digital

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

With this DECT Baby monitor unit you can plug in your MP3 player to play your choice of relaxing music, even record you own voice to help comfort your baby, or simply choose one of five soothing lullabies provided. This unit even has talkback capability only found in more expensive brands. The temperature sensor alerts you to changes in temperature in your baby’s room.The Parent Unit is fully portable, so you can go about your daily work, safe in the knowledge that you will always be able to monitor your baby. Add to this the crystal clear sound and zero interference provided by DECT technology, and both you and your baby can relax.Features:
Baby Unit
Play Soothing music through the monitor
Nursery room temperature sensor
5 soothing polyphonic lullabies
Soft comforting adjustable night light
Parent Unit
Parent talk back
Privacy guaranteed with 120 auto-select channels
Nursery room temperature monitoring with alarm function
Clock with alarm function
High definition sound
Adjustable digital volume control
Adjustable microphone sensitivity
Out of range / low battery warning

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