Fisher & Paykel DD24DCTW6V2 review

Fisher & Paykel DD24DCTW6V2

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

With over a decade of DishDrawer manufacturing, we introduce the latest
addition by Fisher & Paykel to revolutionize your kitchen; DishDrawer
Tall. Continuing with the ergonomically superior design of DishDrawer,
Fisher & Paykel have found new ways to make your dishwashing experience
even easier. By increasing the height of the top drawer you can now fit up
to 13" plates with ease, making cleaning up after dinner parties a

Holds plates up to 13 inches

Flow through detergent dispenser

Folding tines

Fully adjustable racking system

Two independent drawers

Holds plates up to 330mm

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