Danby DDW1899WP review

Danby DDW1899WP

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

This Danby Designer ® 8 place setting dishwasher is a convenient and
efficient addition to any home. At 18" wide this model takes up
minimum space and the built-in castors allow it to be easily moved. Energy
Star ® rated and boasting a low-water consumption feature, this model is
eco-friendly. Suitable for not only condos and apartments, this model even
offers a built in soft water system for remote cottage locations.

8 place setting capacity with silverware basket

Energy Star compliant

Simple electronic controls

6 wash cycles

Durable stainless steel spray arm & interior

Rinse agent dispenser

Automatic detergent dispenser

Built in water-softener system

Castors for easy portability

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