Kleenmaid DW39X review

Kleenmaid DW39X

Our rating:
 8/10 from 2 reviewers.

Built in models provide you with an integrated look by giving you flush fitting cabinetry and smooth lines.  Built in models allow you to create a stylish look in your kitchen without hiding the dishwasher behind kitchen panels.Features and Benefits:
14 place setting for large capacity washing
Stainless steel flat panel door and control panel for stunning aesthetics
Retractable control knob
Concealed bottom element protects plastics
3 star water rating and 2.5 star energy rating
5 spray levels for efficient cleaning
Rinse-Aid indicator
3 stage filtration
Dual cutlery basket
Retractable control knob
Anti-overflow and anti-leakage protection
598mm (W) x 810-870mm (H) x 550mm (D)
Intensive 70oC
Auto 55/65oC
Normal 45oC
Pre Rinse

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