Liebherr CBNES 5067 review

Liebherr CBNES 5067

Our rating:
 5/10 from 2 reviewers.

Fridge & Freezer
Gross total capacity 467 litres*
Net total capacity 362 litres*
Refrigerator & BioFresh
Gross capacity 331 litres*
Net capacity 250 litres*
Electronic controls
SuperCool function
Frost free
GlassLine storage racks with bottle and can holders
Exotic fruit compartment
Pull out BioFresh drawers mounted on telescopic rails
DrySafe with low humidity for fish, meat & milk products
HydroSafe with adjustable humidity for fruit & vegetables
NoFrost Freezer
Gross capacity 136 litres*
Net capacity 112 litres*
Automatic defrosting
Re-circulated air cooling
Frost safe system with completely enclosed transparent drawers
Automatic ice cube maker with solenoid valve, permanently plumbed in (diagram)
Dimensions: Exterior dimensions: H 2000 x W 750 x D 630 mm
Energy Rating: 3.5 stars (Energy consumption 557kWh per year)
3 Year Warranty
Made in Austria

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