Black & Decker Textured Series review

Black & Decker Textured Series

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Enjoy your favorite salads, just the way you like them, at the touch of a button. Chop, shred, slice, mix, blend and knead – make baby food, slice veggies, prepare bread dough, all with one appliance.
Continuous "On" plus Pulse, lets you attain precise consistency every time for complete processing control
10-Cup container is ideal for large processing tasks, from flavorful salsas to multi-vegetable soups
Reversible disc – for slicing or shredding: great for pepperoni, cheese, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, and more
Chopping blade also mixes and minces for easy preparation of everything – from baby food to chopped tomatoes
Create delicious hand-thrown pizza crusts and home baked breads with the durable dough blade

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